Lara Machicado

Lara Machicado

Commercialisation de la mode
Collège LaSalle | Montréal

Gen F Blog Mock Up

As part of my final project in my last English class, I was tasked with creating a blog. Said blog had to contain 5 posts, each treating a different topic. I was also asked to submit this blog in a website format. For my blog, I decided to have my general theme be the generational differences within fashion industry and treat topics such as sustainability, movie comparisons, and trend assessing. As for the name, I titled it "Gen F", short for "Generation Fashion".

Ever since the globa

Why’d you have to ruin everything: How today’s designers are trying to better their older peers’ unsustainable practices in the fashion industry.

Ever since the globalization of the fashion industry, we have heard countless claims coming from younger fashion designers and lovers pointing their finger to their older peers for their malpractice of sustainability within the industry. Thus said, this week's post is particularly special to me since I'll be reinvesting what I've gained from my most recent read "Fashionopolis: The price of fast fashion and the future of clothes." by Dana Thomas. This book's most recurring themes are sustainability, fast fashion, and the greener innovations new players are bringing to the drawing board. In addition, to how the older generation took our world for granted when building an empire, we now know as the fashion industry, not thinking of the generations to come.

Blog Posts 1 through 5

In this file you'll find all five of the articles we were tasked with creating. If you wish to get the full website experience:

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Ever since the globa
Ever since the globa
Ever since the globa