Megan Samuel

Megan Samuel

Commercialisation de la mode
Collège LaSalle | Montréal

Entreprise ( E24 )

Entreprise if the final project event of the grads business concepts. I am part of the finance and fundraising side of E24 which means that I play a large role in Xpressmode, as well as helping the team in general. We have weekly meeting in which we work on our branding, venue planning, lots of discussion in relation to the grads, how we will present our event, future Xpressmode, contacting brands for donations / sponsors and much more in general. The first picture below is our logo, which is seen on our social media pages. The second photo gives some behind the scenes of our clothing popup sale Xpressmode.

Commercialisation de la mode/Collège LaSalle | Montréal/E24 logo

E24 logo

Commercialisation de la mode/Collège LaSalle | Montréal/Our XM2 sale

Our XM2 sale

Here is I collage I

Here is I collage I made that represents our event well. The first photo shows all of the finalist teams up on stage, in which we were the ones who planned the event for them. The photo at the bottom left shows the winner who was selected by our main sponsor off script. The photo in the top middle show our E24 members in which I will list below. The photo in the middle shows the set up of our Event. The top right photo is me with the description of my role in which was finance and fundraising, as well setting up for XM sales. Then there is a photo of me and my team members. Finally at the bottom right I have me and a couple of my team members holding up a networking badge, in which was something new that we did this year. E24 team Logistics - Chloé Giroux, Sydney Lynn Noseworthy Finance and fundraising- Megan Isabelle Samuel, Holly Fireman, Areli Hernandez Rodriguez Communications - Eve Ménard, Mia Joe Habib Graphics & Website - Victoria Greco, Rio Berg Social media - Dara Levine

Commercialisation de la mode/Collège LaSalle | Montréal/E24 logo
Commercialisation de la mode/Collège LaSalle | Montréal/Our XM2 sale
Here is I collage I