House Of Cards

Words from the show director: the scenes are taking place in the fictional of Cardopolis – a fantastical world divided into 4 big kingdoms: Spades, Diamonds, Hearts and Clubs. These domains are of course lead by the monarchs and their families but are also filled by numerous subjects. Prosperous and wealthy, those folks don`t need to work to survive and spent a considerable amount of time on their appearance, befitting their strange universe with its uncommon shapes. The director is very inspired by the world of the photographer Tim Walker – she especially likes its highly staged aesthetic, with its theatrical costumes full of drama, and the rich and poetic visual universe.

Design de mode/Collège LaSalle | Montréal/House Of Cards

House Of Cards

Design de mode/Collège LaSalle | Montréal/Technical Drawing

Technical Drawing

Design de mode/Collège LaSalle | Montréal/Technical Drawing

Technical Drawing

Design de mode/Collège LaSalle | Montréal/Photoshoot


Design de mode/Collège LaSalle | Montréal/House Of Cards
Design de mode/Collège LaSalle | Montréal/Technical Drawing
Design de mode/Collège LaSalle | Montréal/Technical Drawing
Design de mode/Collège LaSalle | Montréal/Photoshoot