Jaidon van Herwaarden

Jaidon van Herwaarden

Design de jeux video

LaSalle College Vancouver


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Design de jeux video, Informatique


Video games have been my favourite hobby since I played my first cereal box game. Since the beginning, I have loved using computers and learning more about them. Games like Gizmos and Gadgets, an educational game from 1993, started my love for science and learning how things work. Much later, when the original Crysis game was released, I learned to love game development by using the Sandbox Editor to make my own levels with custom behaviours. But it wasn't enough. Using these amazing tools was a great introduction, but along the way, I learned about programming. It was a way to combine my interest in video games with my growing curiosity about how they work. Today, I'm learning as much as I can to feed that curiosity. I have a special interest in new and whacky ways to make something faster or more intuitive. New ways to make hard non-cheating AI for strategy games, natural simulations for more realistic environments, or innovative gameplay mechanics really excite and inspire me. As a professional, I strive to learn and do more for my teams and for myself in order to be an excellent asset to any project.

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Portfolio Reel - June 2021

par Jaidon van Herwaarden
Design de jeux video
LaSalle College Vancouver
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Hydraulic Erosion Terrain System

par Jaidon van Herwaarden
Design de jeux video
LaSalle College Vancouver
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Klink Engine

par Jaidon van Herwaarden
Design de jeux video
LaSalle College Vancouver
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Gun Builder

par Jaidon van Herwaarden
Design de jeux video
LaSalle College Vancouver


Strong knowledge of C/C++, C#
Familiar with DirectX and HLSL
Familiar with Object-Component Systems
Extensive use of the Visual Studio IDE
Extensive use of the Unity 3D engine


Hydraulic Erosion Simulator, Klink Engine/C++
A project that I started because I love procedural generation. This program modifies raw heightmaps using a hydraulic erosion technique to achieve organic-looking terrain.
- Entirely implemented using my own custom C++/DirectX 11 engine, Klink
- Added procedural mesh tools including mesh normal recalculation functions for accurate lighting
- Designed a full UI for modifying exposed algorithm variables, including time of day visualization
- Utilized HLSL to write a terrain shader that uses height layers, blending, and multiple textures

Klink Engine - C++/DirectX custom 3D/2D engine.
- DirectX 11 based graphics system supporting custom shaders, procedural geometry, and post-processing.
- Artificial Intelligence framework including pathfinding, priority-based steering behaviours, and flocking.
- Machine learning algorithms using linear regression, logistic regression, and genetic algorithms.
- Math library for linear algebra, splines, geometry, and random functions.

GunBuilder project - Unity/C# first-person module-based weapon building feature (proof of concept).
- Four swappable modules and three element infusion types
- Heavy use of generic templates and polymorphism for module and projectile types
- Weapon design focused on interesting and unique mechanics

Nest Adventures - Unity/C# third-person adventure game.
- Unity event-driven systems to enhance modularity and bug fixing.
- Implemented designer-focused custom editor scripts to promote faster development time.
- Utilized coroutines and animation events to drive seamless character swapping mid-roll.


Bachelor of Science in Game Programming