Peter Zhang

Peter Zhang

Design de jeux video
LaSalle College Vancouver

AI: Steering Behavior

Applying steering behavior to AI agent to achieve natural movement on game entities.

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Group Behavior

This project demonstrate that 2000 and 1000 AI_agents controls by multiple steering behaviors: Group Cohesion Behavior Group Alignment Behavior Group Separation Behavior Wander Behavior Obstacle Avoidance Behavior The force of each behaviors can be controlled in the demo in order to create different visual effect. The demo is made in NFGE, which is my own game engine written in C++.

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3D group behavior

This project demonstrate implementation of the NFGE-Perception on the "Tiny cone" who trying to avoid "Huge Cone" and try to eat the ''Tiny Sphere" "Tiny Cone" will show its state with color: Orange: detected "Huge Cone", and flee away from them Green: detected a "Tiny Sphere" and find out it is safe to eat it. Group behavior also applied on the "Tiny Cone"s to achieve flocking behavior like fish. The demo is made in NFGE, which is my own game engine written in C++.

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Autres crédits

My Instructor: Peter Chan

The UI of the Demo is using Dear Imgui(