Kairus Lei

Kairus Lei

Design de jeux video

LaSalle College Vancouver


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Design de jeux video


I am Kairus. I completed my bachelor's degree at LaSalle College. I like to play games, especially third-person action and RPG games. For me, playing games is for mental relaxation. I also get to spend more time with my friends and have more topics to discuss. My friends and I like trying new games to experiment with different gameplay mechanics and find fun ways to break them. We also like to find game plugins and addons for online games. These are not for cheats, but rather to provide additional information. For example, in LOL, there is a plugin that recommends items that are better suited to counter the current opponent. Both gameplay mechanics and plugins require programming. Because of this, I began to study programming and fell in love with it. I started by learning the fundamentals including control statements, loops, data structures and algorithms. Eventually, I was able to write my own libraries and integrate them into my custom engine. It was exciting to see how everything connects. It is as if I was playing with Lego blocks because different combinations can give me different results. During my four years of studies, I realize that I most enjoyed being a gameplay programmer. I want to present interesting content to more people and make them feel the charm of games and programmers.

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Demo Reel 2021

par Kairus Lei
Design de jeux video
LaSalle College Vancouver
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KWSE Engine

par Kairus Lei
Design de jeux video
LaSalle College Vancouver
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COVID Status Dashboard

par Kairus Lei
Design de jeux video
LaSalle College Vancouver
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Shader Demo

par Kairus Lei
Design de jeux video
LaSalle College Vancouver
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City Life

par Kairus Lei
Design de jeux video
LaSalle College Vancouver
Design de jeux video/LaSalle College Vancouver/Thumbnail-DS (2).png


par Kairus Lei
Design de jeux video
LaSalle College Vancouver
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par Kairus Lei
Design de jeux video
LaSalle College Vancouver
Design de jeux video/LaSalle College Vancouver/Thumbnail-small.png

The Cleaner

  • Minjang Jin

    Minjang Jin

    Design de jeux video
    LaSalle College Vancouver
  • Kairus Lei

    Kairus Lei

    Design de jeux video
    LaSalle College Vancouver
Design de jeux video/LaSalle College Vancouver/Thumbnail-Cover.PNG




C++, C#, Python, UML, HTML5, CSS


KWSE Engine: Custom C++ Game Engine Mar 2020 – Present
• Structured an engine in layering order to describe framework layer, engine layer and application layer.
• Applied support for rendering graphics using Direcr3D11.
• Implemented rendering pipeline for post-processing.
• Created a model loader with model loading and skeletal animations.
• Integrated third-party libraries including DirectXTK, ImGui.
• Created a custom artificial intelligence library for Finite State Machine, pathfinding algorithms, perception, and steering behaviours.
• Designed a memory allocator system to avoid memory fragmentation and run allocation and deallocation with constant time.

COVID Status Dashboard: HTML/CSS, C# Mar 2021 – Jun 2021
• Applied Model View Controller pattern to manage to communicate between front-end and web service back-end.
• Utilized COVID-19 Canada Open Data Working Group API (https://opencovid.ca/api) to retrieve real-time stats including reported cases and vaccine status.

Shader projects: 3D shader projects, Custom Engine/C++ Mar2021 – Jun2021
Sun & Earth: Shader demo project to showcase different shader techniques.
• Applied Phong lighting, normal mapping, specular mapping, weight adjustable displacement mapping, and night mode effects for the earth.
• Applied alpha blending for clouds around the earth.
• Implemented the bloom effect and Gaussian blur filter on the sun.
Hot Air Balloon Festival: It is a project where I try to apply different effects to a scene at the same time.
• Utilized animation framework to control the hot air balloon movements.
• Applied shadow mapping to receive shadow from objects and cast dynamically to the terrain.
• Implemented post-processing effects including Mosaic, Heat Map and Oil Painting.

Loco-Locomotive: 2D Coop Action Game, Unity/C# Mar 2020 – Mar 2021
Support up to four players, must defend a moving railway locomotive from alien attacks by coordinating on various tasks.
• Implemented enemy AI using finite-state machines and steering behaviours.
• Worked with art, audio, design, and other programmers to make sure everything is functioning as expected in the game.
• Participated in weekly meetups with team members to discuss work progress, new feature design, and report on bug fix status.

City Life: 2D AI Project, Custom Engine/C++ Mar 2020 – Jun 2020
It is a project that I created to showcase different pathfinding algorithms.
• Created a data-driven tilemap that can be edit, resize, saved, and loaded.
• Implemented algorithms including BFS, DFS, Dijkstra’s, and heuristic scoring customizable A* including Diagonal, Euclidean and Manhattan Distance.

Deep-Sea: 2D AI Project, Custom Engine/C++ Jan 2020 – Mar 2020
It is a project to simulate the movement between a stingray and a shoal of fish in water.
• Implemented the Arrive behaviour for the stingray.
• Implemented the Wandering, Hiding, Separation, Cohesion and Alignment behaviours for the shoal of fish.

Yo-Zombie: Top-down 2D Shooter, Custom Engine/C++ Oct 2019 – Dec 2019
A single-player survival game where the main character must defend from enemy attacks with different weapons and skills.
• Implemented a polymorphic system for weapons and enemies.
• Applied the object pool pattern for enemy and bullet spawning.
• Structured the game flow using the State design pattern.


Bachelor of Science in Game Programming, Oct 2018 – Jun 2021