I was getting ideas from a simple prism on the Internet. Then, I designer two garments. One is the lovely Miss Roser, another one is Miss Magner. Those are 3D garments. The elements on the garments are complex but attractive.

Design de mode/Collège LaSalle | Montréal/m5zywwyxdthc5xl4d1l0uuxm3tsi8suv
Design de mode/Collège LaSalle | Montréal/v11g66bl8mqhq6qaxuplk4p8gcqydcfd
Design de mode/Collège LaSalle | Montréal/m5zywwyxdthc5xl4d1l0uuxm3tsi8suv
Design de mode/Collège LaSalle | Montréal/v11g66bl8mqhq6qaxuplk4p8gcqydcfd