Elena Buitrago

Elena Buitrago

Diseño de Videojuegos

LaSalle College Vancouver


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Diseño de Videojuegos, Diseño Gráfico, Diseño Web, Educación, Idiomas


I want to use my knowledge to create video games that help people learn different skills and have fun. My long-term personal goal is to design a game that helps people learn languages while having lots and lots of fun, and to be able to work in different game types and genres. I worked as a teacher for over 5 years in Colombia. I taught languages, academic writing, speech analysis, computer science, math, chemistry, and materials design. I moved to Vancouver as a PR in 2018 since there are limited professional options available for the game industry. I love painting, reading, and playing video games.

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Nightmares Project

de Elena Buitrago
Diseño de Videojuegos
LaSalle College Vancouver
Diseño de Videojuegos/LaSalle College Vancouver/Thumbnail-Picture1.png

Blood Wars

de Elena Buitrago
Diseño de Videojuegos
LaSalle College Vancouver
Diseño de Videojuegos/LaSalle College Vancouver/Thumbnail-Captura de Pantalla 2022-06-01 a la(s) 13.07.39.png

Sunrise for Liminal



• Native Spanish, Advanced English, and conversational French.

• Team Player, fast learner, good listener, proactive, organized, inquisitive.

• Data management and computer literate (Unreal Engine, Unity, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Maya, Camtasia Studio, Microsoft Office, Apache Open Office, RefWorks, Ovid, Access Medicine, ProQuest, EBSCO, Lexicomp, Atlassian Confluence, Jira, Trello, GitHub, Slack, Bitbucket and SourceTree.)


Game Art & Design Tutor
July 2020 – June 2022. LaSalle College Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Creative director – UI/UX design - narrative design - Blood Wars. Mobile, menu-based, and turn-based RPG game.
May 2020 – February 2022. LaSalle College Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Creative director - level designer - narrative designer. Nightmares. PC horror game.
April 2020 – March 2022. LaSalle College Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Concept Design, particle effects, animation. Liminal, VR, Sunrise Calming Experience.
Oct 2021 – Dec 2021. LaSalle College Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Graphics and animation, UX-UI design, narrative design.
January 27-31, 2021. Global Game Jam• Online. https://globalgamejam.org/2021/games/lost-puppy-2-0

Bilingual Customer Solutions Agent (English & Spanish).
October 2018 – March 2020. Hyper Wallet, a PayPal Service. Vancouver, BC, Canada.

English Teacher. (Schools in Bogotá Colombia)
February 2012 – July 2018. Colegio San Carlos – Inmaculado Corazon de Maria – Abraham Lincoln School


Diploma In Game Art & Design
April 2020 – June 2022. LaSalle College Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
This degree builds skills in design, level design, game scripting, and 2D and 3D art. Graduates write professional design documentation, design games, game systems, game mechanics, and level environments.

Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics: Teaching Spanish as a foreign language.
2013 – 2015. Javeriana university. Bogotá, Colombia.
This degree gives special training in academic research, and the design of language teaching materials and curriculums.

Bachelor of Arts In Modern Languages.
2008 – 2013. Javeriana University. Bogotá, Colombia.
This degree certifies graduates to teach foreign languages at any institution.

Premios y distinciones

President's Roll Spring 2020 - Fall 2022, LaSalle College Vancouver.
Dean's Roll Winter 2022, LaSalle College Vancouver.