Huerta Modular

Sistema que busca la implementación de huertas en espacios urbano - domésticos con el fin resolver una necesidad alimenticia de manera estético-funcional. Además, busca ayudar a los adultos mayores a tener una vida más saludable tanto mental como físicamente al hacerlos menos sedentarios y entretenerlos en un contexto de pandemia. A system that implements modular orchards in an urban - domestic space with the final purpose to resolve the alimentary necessity in an aesthetically functional way. Furthermore, it seeks to help old adults in order to help them to maintain a health lifestyle, in both in a mental and in a physical way by making them less sedentary and entertaining them in a pandemic context.

A global crisis, whe


A global crisis, where every person is required to stay at home, where the older population runs a greater risk. This type of pressure will put a strain in their mental and physical health due to the fact that they are forced to remain in a stationary way of living. This causes anxiety and stress, which can eventually develop into a mental sickness due to the instability of the every day life and routine. The urban modular orchard may help to maintain a healthier life styles (both physical and psychological) and maintain the user more active.

En colaboración con

Sketch del proceso / Process Sketches

En colaboración con Adrián Castro In collaboration with Adrian Castro El proceso de diseño se lleva acabo entre dos personas y se proponen ideas múltiples. Después de esto se hace un scamper para depurar el proceso. The design process was made between two people and multiple ideas were proposed. Afterwards, a Scamper was made to depurate the process.

Después de que la id

Formas de conformado / Ways of rearranging

Después de que la ideación fue depurada, se lleva acabo una investigación de formas de conformado modulares. After the process of ideation was finished, an investigation of different modular ways of rearranging the product were explored.

El prototipo final s

Prototipo / prototype

El prototipo final se hizo con aluminio galvanizado para evitar que se corrompa en caso de que el usuario lo deseara colocar en el exterior. The final prototype was made with galvanized aluminum to prevent it from being damaged in case the user wanted to place it outside.

A global crisis, whe
En colaboración con
Después de que la id
El prototipo final s

Otros créditos

El diseñado y modelado se colaboración con Adrián Castro
The design process and 3D modeling was made in collaboration with Adrian Castro
Render hecho en colaboración con Pablo Gonzalez
Rendering made in collaboration with Pablo Gonzalez