Yujeong Kang

Yujeong Kang

Diseño Gráfico

LaSalle College Vancouver


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Arte y Diseño, Diseño Gráfico


I am a Korean graphic designer based in Canada. I came to Canada to study graphic design and a widening point of view. As a designer, I love to play with vibrant and bold colours. I am also interested in making creative concepts and illustrations.

Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/Thumbnail-스크린샷(1205).png

Graphic Design Portfolio Video

de Yujeong Kang
Diseño Gráfico
LaSalle College Vancouver
Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/Thumbnail-thumbnail.png

Route UX/UI Design

de Yujeong Kang
Diseño Gráfico
LaSalle College Vancouver
Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/Thumbnail-thumbnail.png

Rio De Janeiro, Brazil City Branding

de Yujeong Kang
Diseño Gráfico
LaSalle College Vancouver
Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/Thumbnail-thumbnail.png

Timepieces Confectionery

de Yujeong Kang
Diseño Gráfico
LaSalle College Vancouver


Adobe Creative, AfterEffects, AfterEffects, Illustrator, Indesign, InVision, Photoshop, Photoshop, Procreate, Figma, Microsoft Office


Volunteer experience for a non-profit organization
Sea Smart School Society
July 27, 2021 - Present
Volunteer as a graphic designer.
- Banner Designs
- Certification Design
- Posters for online course


Lasalle College Vancouver
Bachelor in graphic design
June 2018 - September 2021

Premios y distinciones

Dean's Honour Roll
Lasalle College Vancouver
- Summer 2018
- Fall 2018
- Summer 2019
- Fall 2019
- Winter 2020
- Winter 2021

Honour Roll
Lasalle College Vancouver
- Summer 2020
- Spring 2021

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