Proficient in C++ and C#
Team project experience with Unity3D
Familiar with Unreal4, Python, WPF
Know about Maya, Zbrush, Substance Painter, Photoshop, Illustrator
WallG Engine, DirectX 11/C++
Use C++ to create my own game engine from scratch
Math Library:
-Matrix Math to create 3D object
-Used Quaternion to create 3D animation
-Use Vector Math to calculate object position and moving object
Implemented an AI library with support for:
-Uninformed search algorithms including BFS and DFS
-Optimal search including Dijkstra’s and A*
-Reusable, templatized finite state machine
Dynamic Universe, C++/WallG
-Games made using engines provided by school teachers
-Make a universe full of rules
-Each ship has its own mission
-a complete chain of basic cosmic economies
Hyper Divers,C++/ custom game engine
-A complete game system
-The player can control different weapons
-Enemies can patrol and find the player and attack
Elementic, Unity/C#
-Creat basic Character system in the game
-Level Trap manager design and programing
-Level art LayOut
-Game UI : art, Programming, design
Bachelor of Science in Game Programming