dear me // branding + packaging

An interactive memory box that includes a series of self-reflection steps for you to complete and look back over the years. The box consists of four tasks: A question box with 100 cards for you to answer, a notebook for you to write to your future self, a film camera to record your favourite moments and box to keep things that matter to you. The visuals integrate both vintage and modern icons, such as floppy disks and film camera illustrations mixed into a pattern created with modern bright colours. The typewriter inspired serif font in the logo contrasts with the information text in a modern sans-serif.

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Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/fjg4m6c4ea51m3a5rqkqu3pp52nec3v0
Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/60ijijwgu310s5xot48slrwjidmucmlu
Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/lcikx81nfxnaxdapiks298j40wl8h2si
Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/if2hshgb45vfts2qix0y787c2mabhoyl
Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/if2hshgb45vfts2qix0y787c2mabhoyl
Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/ul5plb66s8g05xrp1z57djygyxovs6nk
Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/fjg4m6c4ea51m3a5rqkqu3pp52nec3v0
Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/60ijijwgu310s5xot48slrwjidmucmlu
Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/lcikx81nfxnaxdapiks298j40wl8h2si
Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/if2hshgb45vfts2qix0y787c2mabhoyl
Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/ul5plb66s8g05xrp1z57djygyxovs6nk