Artes y Letras, Diseño de Producto, Educación, Fotografía, Idiomas, Maquillaje Artístico y Profesional, Marketing, Publicidad y Comercio Electrónico, Negocios e Innovación, Producción audiovisual
I am an International Published Photographer and an Industrial Engineer. I have a Master degree in Supply Chain Management and Project Management. I originally fell in love with photography through a family member's beautiful journalism work. My Uncle would document my family's everyday life as well as important events such as weddings. His portraiture of my family members was inspiring and this is one of the reasons I've started photography. I'm inspired by the love I have for my home city Vancouver BC. Its people, kind and diverse makes this place one of the best in the world. You can always find me with my camera during my commute and daily activities.