Lynn Oppong-Safo

Lynn Oppong-Safo

Marketing y Comunicación de la Moda
LaSalle College | Montréal


In preparation for our class project SMCL21, which is a fashion show hosted by the fashion marketing students at LaSalle College, I was in charge of creating the blog/website for the show. View website:

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Marketing y Comunicación de la Moda/LaSalle College | Montréal/k47h79tdjlmn4rytqk4zxj32t8dmud78
Marketing y Comunicación de la Moda/LaSalle College | Montréal/htnmg8cbg7vlqtuxf8l7hvwkuzehyidm
Marketing y Comunicación de la Moda/LaSalle College | Montréal/k47h79tdjlmn4rytqk4zxj32t8dmud78