Eduardo Alejandro Matiella Romero

Eduardo Alejandro Matiella Romero

Diseño de Videojuegos

LaSalle College Vancouver


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Animación y VFX, Diseño de Videojuegos


When I came to Canada I found out making video games was a career opportunity and decided to enroll in programming as that seemed to align with my interest. However, during my studies, I discovered my interest was really in the visual aspects of the game. I am fascinated by how art can be used to generate emotions from players and how developers create new and unique experiences from the most simple of design ideas. I love how competitive the industry is; pushing every developer to find new techniques and always looking to push the limits of hardware with innovative software.

Diseño de Videojuegos/LaSalle College Vancouver/Thumbnail-Capture09.JPG

Countess: the side scroller

de Eduardo Alejandro Matiella Romero
Diseño de Videojuegos
LaSalle College Vancouver
Diseño de Videojuegos/LaSalle College Vancouver/Thumbnail-AMR1.jpg

AMR C++ Engine

de Eduardo Alejandro Matiella Romero
Diseño de Videojuegos
LaSalle College Vancouver
Diseño de Videojuegos/LaSalle College Vancouver/




C++ / Object-Oriented Programming, 3D Graphics Programming, Unreal Engine 4, UE4 Niagara, Agile Development, Unity 3D, C# Scripting, Maya, Level Design, Technical documentation, UML, Azure DevOps.


Ultimate 2.5D Side Scroller (Unreal Engine 4):
• Created Niagara particle systems for the skills VFX
• Used the UE4 animation pipeline to integrate custom animations with existing assets.
• Created a UI with animation in all its components as well as a pop-up screen to notify the player of new skills acquired.
• Focused on clear and homogeneous design for quick prototyping of the skills.

Accelerate (Unreal Engine 4):
• Developed a 3rd person combat racing game with a team of 12 people over a one-year production period.
• Collaborated closely with designers and artists in making the weapons/combat system, as well as the special effects and visual feedback.

AMR engine (C++):
• Created a 3D engine. The focus of this project was to learn the basics of a 3D engine pipeline using DirectX.
• Implemented shaders for 3D lighting, shadow mapping, and post-processing such as Gaussian blur using HLSL.
• Implemented custom libraries for math, input, physics, unit tests.


Diploma in Visual & Game Programming
September 2019 - March 2021