Presented during the exceptional circumstances of the pandemic Covid-19, Horizon 2020 is an online visual art exhibition created by the graduate students in arts, literature and communication, arts and design option at LaSalle College Montréal. Launched on April 30th as a website and podcast. To see the online exhibition, visit: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Présentée durant les circonstances exceptionnelles de la pandémie Covid-19 Horizon 2020 est une exposition d'art visuel en ligne réalisée par les finissants en arts, lettres et communication, option arts et design du Collège LaSalle de Montréal. Inaugurée le 30 avril sous la forme d'une site web et d'une baladodiffusion. Pour voir l'exposition en ligne visitez:
Exposition en ligne et baladodiffusion - Online exhibition and podcast:
The Tale of the Unknown Valley, a short film by Moisés Boff
The Tale of the Unknown Valley, a short film by Moisés Boff
In My Dreams I Saw a Light, a short film by Eric Capovilla
Untitled 20.20, concept for a modular chair design by Jorge Gómez
A Pleasure Place, a series of paintings by Valentina Callejas
The Traces We Leave, conceptual work by Susannah Haight
The Traces We Leave, conceptual work by Susannah Haight (installation view)
The Doors, watercolour paintings by Xiao Han Sun
The Door of Memory, watercolour painting by Xiao Han Sun
Horizon, Where We Meet, a proposal for a large-scale sculpture by Yewon Cho
Dreamscapes, a series of watercolour illustrations by Maria Bond