Paula  Cortes

Paula Cortes

Marketing y Comunicación de la Moda
LaSalle College | Montréal


The Mayan textile project emerged as a proposal to help underdeveloped communities in Guatemala. Mayan textile has great significance to the culture, and indigenous communities have come together to create groups to generate work, income, and art through their weaving. These textiles are 100% handmade: from the collection of cotton, natural dyes, and production. However, globalization, mega productions, and the large scale of competitors have devalued the work of an entire culture. We want to be the link and symbol of support for the indigenous communities.

We want to integrate a B2B business model for home decor products because we consider it’s an industry with great potential, and it is an opportunity to understand the value behind each handmade product in a more modern and eye-catching environment for the North American market.