  • Stephanie Moore

    Stephanie Moore

    Marketing y Comunicación de la Moda
    LaSalle College | Montréal
  • Betty Kary

    Betty Kary

    Marketing y Comunicación de la Moda
    LaSalle College | Montréal

Vivid Invasion - SMCL 19

For the 2019 edition of Soirée Mode Collège LaSalle, the annual Fashion Show put on by 2nd year students, I assisted in the visuals and music for the show. This role involved the development of photoshoot visuals, setting said photoshoot up and assisting, as well as, planning the visuals and music for the show itself.


Marketing y Comunicación de la Moda/LaSalle College | Montréal/Promotional Photoshoot Set Design Look #1

Promotional Photoshoot Set Design Look #1

Marketing y Comunicación de la Moda/LaSalle College | Montréal/Promotional Photoshoot Set Design Look #2

Promotional Photoshoot Set Design Look #2

Marketing y Comunicación de la Moda/LaSalle College | Montréal/Promotional Photoshoot Set Design Look #3

Promotional Photoshoot Set Design Look #3

Marketing y Comunicación de la Moda/LaSalle College | Montréal/Promotional Photoshoot Set Design Look #1
Marketing y Comunicación de la Moda/LaSalle College | Montréal/Promotional Photoshoot Set Design Look #2
Marketing y Comunicación de la Moda/LaSalle College | Montréal/Promotional Photoshoot Set Design Look #3