Humans of LaSalle is a project inspired by Brandon Stanton's Humans of New York, who launched the series in 2010 by photographing the humans of New York in his photoblog and book of portraits. In this school project, our teacher asked us to recreate his work with the humans of our school and their many different backgrounds. This is the result.
This is a photolog project, capturing the outcast, the different, and the extraordinary students of LaSalle college and their experience and relationship to the world around them.
Consultar el documento"I was always interested in things that were considered feminine. I don't know, I guess boys weren't allowed to draw and that's all I wanted to do. I wanted to design clothes and draw pictures. Everyone kind of knew everything about me except me. I didn't know I was being a certain way. I was just being me, I was being Eric." - Eric
"I started to write things about the crisis in my country and immediately felt that the government didn't like me. When I went to do some work in Lebanon, my family called me to let me know that the general security started asking questions about me and I was blacklisted right then and there. I haven't been able to go back since." - Raja
"I like looking at people through the camera lens. There are these micro expressions that the human eye is just not sophisticated enough for, and with my camera I can see them. I can see people in their most natural position. When they don't care, when they let everything slip. In those tiny milliseconds they are more of themselves than they can ever be, and I can see it." - Murat
"This is the first time in my life that I'm actually getting good grades. Stan literally oppressed us. I was suffocated there. I hated everyone. Every student, every teacher, every supervisor...All of them. I couldn't be myself and now that I actually am? I'm getting 90s. For the first time in my life what I have to say matters." - Kieth
"Don't kiss me! I have Makeup!" - Eli