Computer skills : Suite Office, Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign
Qualities : Team Spirit, Autonomy, Multitask, Problem Solving, Sense of Competition
Competences : Creative, Strong Drawing Skill, Strong Sewing & Pattern making Skill, Good Eye for Materials,
Languages: English, French, Persian, Chinese & Korean in progress
Interests : Drawing, Photography, Music, Dance, Nature
2019 Participate in the international contest “Art Of Fashion”
2018 Intern / Invited to work on F/W 19-20 collection / MARKANTOINE
2018 Intern / Summer internship (4 months) for MARKANTOINE
2017 Intern / Summer internship (4 months) for MARKANTOINE
2015 Independent High-end designer / made to measure projects for private clients
2014 Independent stylist / Ladies-Wear & Kids-Wear
2019 DEC in fashion design / LaSalle College, Montreal
2014 Certificate in french language / UQAM, Montreal
2010 Certificate in fashion design / Cavendish College, England