ROMAN. is a journal inspired photo-book showcasing the life of the author’s grandfather, Roman, and the struggles of terminal Cancer that he and his family are currently going through. After fighting through a worrisome time of a non-cancerous brain tumor in 2016, Roman was then diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer that had spread to most parts of his body in late 2017. This book was created and designed by Roman’s 5th grandchild to shed a bit of light on the whole issue of cancer. Through b-reel photos and actual journal entries, ROMAN. gives the audience an inside look on the sad, yet sometimes funny times that come with terminal cancer and hopefully sheds light on the idea that the smallest memories are sometimes the greatest. The essence of this book was designed with colourful and vintage looking photos to bring an easy and relatable feeling to the viewer as they reflect on a life as full as Roman’s. The photos were placed in a very random layout purposefully to showcase the ups and downs that come with cancer. The black and white typographic colour scheme was also chosen to create a sense of calmness throughout a book with such a heavy topic.