Pierpaolo Catenacci

Pierpaolo Catenacci


LaSalle College | Montréal


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Gastronomía, Idiomas, Marketing, Publicidad y Comercio Electrónico, Planificación de Eventos, Turismo


Moved to Sora(Italy) to Canada (Montreal). Graduate to Hotel Management school at ''Instituto Turistico e servizi alberghieri'' in Italy and currently tourism Student (DEC Tourism Techniques 2014-2017) at Lasalle College. Speaks fluent Italian, English, Spanish and basic French. He works as manager at Bar Sora gril with ten years experience in the catering industry. Passionate about marketing and the media, loves to travel and discover new places. Interested in music event planning. He is open minded, patient, responsible and meticulous. If you want to know more don't hesitate to contact him.

Turismo/LaSalle College | Montréal/Thumbnail-VIA_Rail_Train_London_Ontario.jpg

Marketing plan on VIA Rail

de Pierpaolo Catenacci
LaSalle College | Montréal
Turismo/LaSalle College | Montréal/Thumbnail-nc.JPG

Marketing Plan on Norwegian cruise lines

de Pierpaolo Catenacci
LaSalle College | Montréal
Turismo/LaSalle College | Montréal/Thumbnail-pp.jpg

Marketing plan on Pointe a Calliere museum

de Pierpaolo Catenacci
LaSalle College | Montréal


• Perseverant, determined and motivated
• Attentive, fast worker even under pressure
• Collaboration with stuff members
• Responsible and conductor


Restaurant "Il Ciclope" di Iafrate Sandra, Arpino (Italy)
1 January 2008-1 January 2009

Restaurant "L' Olympus", Sora (Italy)
3 March 2009-3 June 2009

"Restaurant Pizzeria da Enzo" di Martini Enzo, Sora (Italy)
18 February 2012-19 February 2013

Bar Sora Grill, Montreal (Canada)
8 April 2013- 4 October 2013

Pizzeria ‘’Il vecchio Asilo’’, Veroli (Italy)
3 January 2014- May 27 2014

Bar Sora Grill, Montreal (Canada)
15 June 2014- Current date


Diplôme d'étude de maturité` : Niveau 5 EQF
C/O "Istituto Turismo,Alberghi e Ristorazione", Sora (Italy)

LaSalle College, DEC Tourism Techniques, Montreal (QC)
In progress

Tourism Student (DEC Tourism Techniques 2014-2017)
Languages: Italian, English, Spanish, basic French

Succeeded Courses at LaSalle College:
Marketing and Management: During the program we had the possibility to learn about four marketing classes: Tourism Marketing, Marketing Research, Marketing Promotion and Strategic Marketing. All Marketing courses were very interesting especially the promotion one which taught to produce different advertising tools and to better understand the media. Marketing classes also taught to work individually and with team members, analyze business and organizations and to research in order to evaluate and use new strategical methodologies.
Cultural and Tourist attractions: After attending at the five attraction classes dividing America and Canada, Caribbean and Latin America, Europe, Africa and Middle East and finally Asia and the Pacific I can report that all those courses taught us the most important and visited attractions around the world. Also discussing cultural and natural problems affecting countries and remark what destinations will offer in the future to travelers.
Reservation System level I and II: Apollo and Sabre are the two technical tools regarding the reservation system courses which taught to master professionally the systems.
Packaging creation for individuals and groups: the creation of F.I.T and I.T.C. packaging were interesting products to look at. We managed to create individual and group packages for clients and to work in contact to real receptive agencies. That gave us the opportunity to step in the tourism industry and understand the importance of the client request. Tourism products and clientele I and II gave a general knowledge of all the products offered in the tourism industry. From different kind of lodging and accommodations, to transportation of trains, flights , car rentals to cruises products and new trends.
Customer approach: Tourism and carriers, Communication skills courses gave the ability to manage communication techniques, from the non verbal communication to the concision and clarity of the verbal communication.

Premios y distinciones


Work certificate of Pizzaiolo
C / O API (Assciazione pizzerie italiane), Rome (Italy)
1 Octobre 2011
Executed with succes Mansion: Pizzaiolo

Salon International de Tourisme et Voyages, 26ieme Edition.
24-26 October 2014. Montréal QC