Every human being from nothing, unrelated to any concern, feeling or emotion that the fate holds you throughout your life. As we grow up we are writing in that blank page that we all leave, thousands of stories, emotions, feelings and concerns that are getting in the way. All those emotions are being accumulated in thousands and millions of white pages in which only are the written remains and what is yet to be written. Therefore that's why we find very transparent, fine and soft garments that remind us of the innocence of not knowing nothing, but we also find garments with a lot of volume, layers, and handing thread that belong all those stories that are still alive.
Las personas estamos conectadas por hilos invisibles que controlan nuestro destino, el cual decide en que momento y en que lugar nos hemos de encontrar; desencadenando en nosotros una serie de sentimientos que pueden cambiar el ritmo de nuestras vidas. Alguna vez os habéis preguntado si todas aquellas personas con las que te cruzas, están destinadas a encontrarte para provocar en tí alguna clase de sentimiento o sensación? O pensáis que ellos forman parte de un universo paralelo y que solamente están allí, en ese momento, porque solo forman parte de su propio destino?