I have always been passionate about photography. My father bought me my first photo camera in 1981. It was time for film, darkrooms, and enthusiasm. Now, in our digital age, I moved my old hobby to the professional level. But still, like to play with "real" models - animals.
My first model to practice was our cat, Garry.
Another character, female model - Lucy.
My friend's dog. I don't remember his name. He has a very sad story...
I like to observe and see wild critters around us.
I like people who care about our "little" neighbors.
New generation, new style.
One day I took my camera and just walk around my neighborhood looking for interesting shots. I found this dog patiently waiting for the owner outside of the restaurant. He didn't want to pose...
... but this "sad boy" was picked by Georgia Straight Magazine and published! And made me very happy. Thank you, Georgia Straight!