Nia Hawkins

Nia Hawkins

Fashion Marketing

LaSalle College | Montréal


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Beauty, Event Planning, Fashion Marketing, Marketing, Advertising and E-Business


My name is Nia Hawkins and I am currently a first year fashion marketing student. I have a degree in Global Justice which is a Political Science degree but I have decided to pursue this program in order to pursue my dream of working in the fashion industry, more specifically in marketing.

Fashion Marketing/LaSalle College | Montréal/

Fear of Missing Out - Silk Scarf Project

by Nia Hawkins
Fashion Marketing
LaSalle College | Montréal


Computer Skills: Adobe Softwares (Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign), Google Analytics, MailChimp, Canva, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Teams)

Languages: English & French


Sales Associate at Bikini Village in London, Ontario from September 2022 to December 2022

Sales Associate at Stile Fashion & Accessories in Moncton, New Brunswick from June 2023 to August 2023

Marketing Intern at Peterbilt Atlantic & Torque Motorsports for four summers (from June to August from 2018-2022)


Currently Enrolled as a Fashion Marketing student at LaSalle College Montreal - Planning to complete April 2026

Bachelor of Arts with an Honours Specialization in Global Justice at the University of Western Ontario - Completed in June of 2023

Honors and Awards

Deans List for academic year of 2020-2021 at the University of Western Ontario