The Untouched Canting

“The Untouched Canting”, a work depicting batik artisans who have diminished in modern times. It is hoped that this work can remind how beautiful Indonesian culture is and prevent batik from fading. The red and white batik symbolizes the Indonesian national flag and the addition of flowers describes the hope to preserve batik culture.

Fashion Design/LaSalle College  | Surabaya/5a7ikvypvxpq4tqqwiw7szby2rhd9ri0
Fashion Design/LaSalle College  | Surabaya/nhxqcv76ti06623wj8hi21kfa9bbln3v
Fashion Design/LaSalle College  | Surabaya/Photo together with the deputy mayor of Surabaya, bapak Ir. H. Armuji, M.H. together with group members

Photo together with the deputy mayor of Surabaya, bapak Ir. H. Armuji, M.H. together with group members

Fashion Design/LaSalle College  | Surabaya/5a7ikvypvxpq4tqqwiw7szby2rhd9ri0
Fashion Design/LaSalle College  | Surabaya/nhxqcv76ti06623wj8hi21kfa9bbln3v
Fashion Design/LaSalle College  | Surabaya/Photo together with the deputy mayor of Surabaya, bapak Ir. H. Armuji, M.H. together with group members