During my internship at Bentley & Co Ltd, I was officially able to invent outstanding campaign ideas to highlight the product and character of the brand, all in distinctive and marvelous matters and one's that the company can benefit from, as they are using my own proposals for next year's campaigns. This perplexing skill is undeniably critical for my future career and schooling, and I am more than contented that this internship provided me with the ability to gain such astonishing skill. With that, I evidently had to create mock- ups for my designs of window displays and in-store signage, which is where the software skills come into play. Ever since the start of my internship, I was ceaselessly using the creative software that I was taught to use in school like Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. Since I had already taken in a great amount of knowledge on these programs during the first semester, I was already comfortable with the use of them. However, my supervisor taught me more than what I already knew, showing me how to use them expertly, making the software one of the greatest skills taught to me, and one that will be extremely effective in my education and career. I learnt to use features that I had not yet, and was able to work with them rapidly. For example, I learnt to tweak images in Photoshop, by changing their saturation and hue, completely altering the original picture with a different color and perception. On InDesign, I was able to create print media, like posters and backdrops for the window displays and signage, like that of the promotional signage I completed for Black Friday of 2023. Then on Illustrator, I was able to do the packaging of products by working with its design, as well as its content. Another crucial skill I learnt, is the ability to create paper signage and promotional banners for the company. Each week, the company asked of us to create the signage that would be in-store or on the website for the selected styles during a specific period. I gained the ability to do so, by witnessing my promotional designs in the stores, and even online. For a week, I worked with the website designer in the ecom department, where she showed me how the designs on the website are essentially made, like that of a homepage. I was able to create one myself for one of Bentley's house brands' campaign, where I even began to use another software called Adobe XD, which I have not seen in school yet. This software is used for website designs, and I now have the skill to use it which provides me with a great grasp on how websites are designed, and the path to do so. I also created the website banners for Bentley's "Back to School" campaign, which were then published by all the individual malls that the Bentley store is placed in across North America. Evenly, I gained the ability to present my ideas to a large crowd. To engage my ideas with my team and the other departments, I presented my approaches while attending a conference, where I communicated my ideas, their effects on consumers and their subsequent benefits to the company.Throughout my marketing internship at Bentley & Co LTD. I created various campaigns alongisde the Art Director of the company.

Back To School Campa

Back To School Campaign 2024 by Me

Summer Vacation Camp

Summer Vacation Campaign 2024 by Me

Black Friday Campaig

Black Friday Campaign 2024 by Me

Back To School 2024

Back To School 2024 Promotional Signage by Me

Back To School Campa
Summer Vacation Camp
Black Friday Campaig
Back To School 2024