Zhen Fang

Zhen Fang

Game Design

LaSalle College Vancouver


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Game Design


My name is Zhen Fang. Before I came to LaSalle College Vancouver to start my Game Programming studies, I earned my master’s degree in material science and worked as a Failure Analysis Engineer for a year and a half in the semiconductor industry. However, I found that it is not my career goal and I needed to change it to handle my own future. When I looked deep into my heart, I found my interest focused on video games as I really enjoyed playing games, especially titles with unique gameplay mechanics and stunning visual effects. Therefore, I came to LaSalle College Vancouver and changed my major to game programming. During my studies, I built a strong game development foundation including software development, game design, level design and real-time 3D graphics. Using C++, I built my own game engine, STORM, from the ground up. The game engine includes a graphics system that can support model import and display model animation. It can also support different post-processing effects and particle-based physics simulations. In addition, I had the opportunity to work with a team of programmers to make a 2D top-down tower defense shooter game TYRANT which uses Unity and C#. Through this, I gained some experience working in a game development team. I now feel ready to start my career in the games industry.

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Demo Reel

by Zhen Fang
Game Design
LaSalle College Vancouver
Game Design/LaSalle College Vancouver/Thumbnail-tyrant.png


by Zhen Fang
Game Design
LaSalle College Vancouver
Game Design/LaSalle College Vancouver/Thumbnail-logo.jpg

Particle System - Storm engine

by Zhen Fang
Game Design
LaSalle College Vancouver
Game Design/LaSalle College Vancouver/Thumbnail-logo.png

Water Simulation

by Zhen Fang
Game Design
LaSalle College Vancouver


Proficient in C++, algorithms, and data structures. Experienced in developing gameplay and AI systems. Practical game development experience with Unity game engine. Familiar with Unreal Niagara visual effect system. Strong problem solver and team player.


##### Student Projects #####
TYRANT, 2D Top-Down Tower Defense Shooter, PC, Unity/C#
2021.04 - 2022.03
•Developed with five other programmers over a 12-month production period.
•Implemented the tower system including five different tower types.
•Implemented the trap system including three different traps: Clip, Bomb, and Black Hole.
•Designed and created different visual effects for enemies, towers, and traps.

STORM, Custom Game Engine, C++/Direct3D 11
2020.10 - 2021.12
•Implemented a pipeline tool to import 3D assets to extract models, skeleton, and animation data.
•Implemented a renderer that can support real-time lighting, shadows, post-processing, and animations.
•Implemented a particle-based physics system that supports constraints and primitive collisions.
•Implemented a component-based game object system using JSON templates for object creation.

Water Simulation, Unreal Niagara
2022.01 - 2022.03
•Created a Niagara emitter and system and defined and tuned the controlling parameters.
•Used Niagara Simulation Stage and SPH method to simulate fluid.
•Implemented custom shaders to control water particle attributes based on spatial density.

##### Work Experience #####
Peer Tutor
LaSalle College Vancouver · Contract Part-time
2021.11 - 2022.06
Vancouver, BC, Canada
•Help students deal with their programming and math problems.

Failure Analysis Engineer
Yangtze Memory Technologies Co., Ltd. · Contract Full-time
2018.01 - 2019.06
Wuhan, Hubei, China
•Using SEM, FIB and TEM tools to analyze failed chips
•Help equipment engineers install new machines (Probe Station)
•Train newcomers to understand the basic operation of SEM and FIB tools


LaSalle College Vancouver, BC, Canada
2019.07 - 2022.06
Bachelor of Science in Game Programming
Algorithms and Data Structures, Concurrency and Parallelism, 3D Geometry and Linear Algebra, Networking, Database, Game Design, Level Design, Narrative Design, 3D Modeling

The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
2016.09 - 2017.11
MSc Advanced Engineering Materials

Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China
2012.09 - 2016.06
Bachelor’s degree in Composite Materials and Engineering

Honors and Awards

2013 China Aeromodelling Design Challenge (CADC) - Solar Aeromodelling - Champion