Scott Chen

Scott Chen

Game Design

LaSalle College Vancouver


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Game Design


My name is Scott Chen. I graduated from LaSalle College Vancouver with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Game Programming. During my studies, I have gained a strong foundation in game development areas including AI, Graphics, and Gameplay systems. I also became fluent in programming languages including C++ and C#, as well as system implementation via Unreal blueprints. One of my biggest achievements includes the development of my own game engine called Super Wonderful Amazing Game Engine (SWAGE) using C++ and Direct3D 11, which can support different custom GPU shaders and post-processing for game scenes. During the final year of the bachelor’s program, I worked with 6 programmers to make a 2D tower defense rogue-like game using Unity 2D and C#. I was responsible for gameplay implementation including player abilities, status effects, and the boss battle. For my long-term goal, I plan to research and explore new techniques and ideas to improve the gameplay experience. I look forward to starting my career in the game industry.

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2022 Demo Reel

by Scott Chen
Game Design
LaSalle College Vancouver
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by Scott Chen
Game Design
LaSalle College Vancouver
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by Scott Chen
Game Design
LaSalle College Vancouver
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SWAGE Engine

by Scott Chen
Game Design
LaSalle College Vancouver


Languages: C++, C#, C, Python
Tools and APIs: Visual Studio, Direct3D11, Github, Unity, Unreal, PYGame


SWAGE Engine - Game Engine Developer ----- September 2020 - PRESENT
• Super Wonderful Amazing Game Engine (SWAGE) was developed in C++ and Direct3D 11.
• Developed various framework libraries under the main engine layer for better modularity.
• Implemented graphics rendering system to support different custom GPU shaders and
post-processing for game scenes.
• Built AI library to support different pathfinding (BFS, DFS, A*), state machine, steering
behaviors, and perception system.
• Built a machine learning library including a genetic algorithm.
• Created a model import tool with Assimp library to convert multiple model files to custom
binary files that can be used by the engine.
• Developed multiple gameplay systems, such as navigation system, FPS controller, and
enemy AI.

Tyrant - Gameplay Programmer ----- January 2021 - March 2022
• Tyrant was a 2D tower defense rogue-like game developed by a team of 6 programmers
with Unity 2D and C#.
• Developed a custom input system that supports dynamic key binding.
• Implemented object pool manager to optimize runtime memory demands.
• Implemented locomotion, switch weapon, attack, reload and pick up for the main character.
• Implemented flamethrower weapon by Unity particle system and applied particle system
collision to interact with enemy objects.
• Imported behavior tree from Unity assets store and implemented behavior action scripts for
Boss to fulfill a strategic boss fight.


Bachelor of Science in Game Programming - LaSalle College Vancouver

Honors and Awards

Dean's Honour