Kai Austin

Kai Austin

Culinary & Food Service Management
LaSalle College Vancouver

Introduction to Baking (CUL121)

An account of the progress made in the LaSalle College Vancouver Introduction to Baking course over the Fall 2021 quarter.

(top left) blueberry

Week 1

(top left) blueberry muffins (top right) peanut butter sandies (bottom) soft yeast dinner rolls

Colourful Conchas

Week 3

Colourful Conchas

(left) shortbread

Week 4

(left) shortbread (middle) whole-wheat sandwich bread (right) cherry and chocolate scones

(left) multigrain so

Week 7

(left) multigrain sourdough bread (middle) sourcream cranberry scones (right) pecan sticky buns)

(bottom left) focacc

Week 8

(bottom left) focaccia w/ rosemary, cherry tomatoes, and coarse salt (top left) chocolate and cherry scones (bottom right) classic snickerdoodle cookies (top right) raspberry muffins

(left) chocolate bre

Week 9

(left) chocolate bread (right) classic brioche (bottom right) morning glory muffins

(left) baguettes 

Week 5

(left) baguettes (middle) chocolate spritz cookies filled w/ cherry jam (right) pecan pie

(top left) blueberry
Colourful Conchas
(left) shortbread
(left) multigrain so
(bottom left) focacc
(left) chocolate bre
(left) baguettes 