Soirée Mode Collège LaSalle

Along with all the second-year fashion students, we created a fashion show from scratch. My role in this project was coordinator. This allowed me to keep my team organized, participate in workshops, work backstage and make sure everything ran smoothly, Prepare Schedules, and Send out emails to communicate with students. My team's show was called Guest List, based on the people you meet in line at the club.

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Fashion Marketing/LaSalle College | Montréal/i1riqpnq3taokopm5pxdrg851u929iwa
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Fashion Marketing/LaSalle College | Montréal/p5xq60f555ebj7lfia3vnh88vfwwn2mt
Fashion Marketing/LaSalle College | Montréal/zp28x25tyrbrsucqcsa883yfaceu86on