Vsevolod Mitkov

Vsevolod Mitkov

Culinary & Food Service Management
LaSalle College Vancouver

Practicum portfolio project

This is a project to show the photos πŸ“· throughout the hospitality program

I know you can't see

A la carte brisket sandwich πŸ₯ͺπŸ˜‹

I know you can't see the brisket itself, but smoking is dry heat technique

Culinary & Food Service Management/LaSalle College Vancouver/bou2lgj5rtu9l3dkn1bpmw8jrhcj7io6
Culinary & Food Service Management/LaSalle College Vancouver/Nicoise salad πŸ₯—πŸ˜‹

Nicoise salad πŸ₯—πŸ˜‹

Culinary & Food Service Management/LaSalle College Vancouver/A la carte borscht 🍲

A la carte borscht 🍲

We were training how

Fundamentals plating

We were training how to plate the dishes, when you are serving the food.

It is described in F


It is described in French. It is 50% of onion, 25% of carrots and 25 percent of celery.

That day was about h

Fundamentals knife skills

That day was about how to cut the vegetables in professional way

I know you can't see
Culinary & Food Service Management/LaSalle College Vancouver/bou2lgj5rtu9l3dkn1bpmw8jrhcj7io6
Culinary & Food Service Management/LaSalle College Vancouver/Nicoise salad πŸ₯—πŸ˜‹
Culinary & Food Service Management/LaSalle College Vancouver/A la carte borscht 🍲
We were training how
It is described in F
That day was about h

Other Credits

I would choose this.