Hyper Divers

Hyper Divers is a top-down 2D action game project implemented using C++ and a custom game engine provided by my instructor. In the game, the player uses different weapons to shoot down enemies. The coolest design is one of the weapons named fin funnel. The idea of the weapon comes from an animation called Gundam which basically are weaponized drones that are controlled by psychic power. I really Iike how the weapon can find an enemy automatically so I decided to implement this feature. In my implementation, the weapon will automatically scan for enemies within a certain range and proceed to attack the target. This is controlled using a finite-state machine I learned from the AI course. In the future, I plan to add more weapons, different enemies, and even allow the player to control different vehicles. I also want to improve the enemy AI to make the game more engaging.

Game Design/LaSalle College Vancouver/7oqlw179laf8zpw9hjk5054p12m86ib8
Game Design/LaSalle College Vancouver/bixyjt0obhtg2dqg3oe1kc62xzo3iuhq
Game Design/LaSalle College Vancouver/pg4gkpzht3cgjn7rc6r3mnn3zc2iukrr
Game Design/LaSalle College Vancouver/7oqlw179laf8zpw9hjk5054p12m86ib8
Game Design/LaSalle College Vancouver/bixyjt0obhtg2dqg3oe1kc62xzo3iuhq
Game Design/LaSalle College Vancouver/pg4gkpzht3cgjn7rc6r3mnn3zc2iukrr