
A compilation of my work in fashion design.

*All sources display

WAR N’ PEACE Title & Mood Board

*All sources displayed on final page of portfolio

Fashion Design/LaSalle College | Montréal/Project Description, Illustration, & Fabrics

Project Description, Illustration, & Fabrics

Credits in image

Technical Drawing, Description, and Styling Photoshoot

Credits in image

Credits in image


Credits in image

Fashion Design/LaSalle College | Montréal/Title Page

Title Page

* Fabric source in f

Product Mockup, Fabric & Silhouette Research through Draping

* Fabric source in final image below. Special Thanks to Shelton Billings @Luvurboyyy for modelling.

Fashion Design/LaSalle College | Montréal/HARNESS Mock-ups & Brand Description

HARNESS Mock-ups & Brand Description

3-look lineup


3-look lineup

Fashion Design/LaSalle College | Montréal/Title & Subject 1

Title & Subject 1

Fashion Design/LaSalle College | Montréal/Subjects 2 & 3

Subjects 2 & 3

*Model credits in im

Subject 4 & Project Description

*Model credits in image.

Fashion Design/LaSalle College | Montréal/Subjects 5-8

Subjects 5-8

Politics, the news,

Title Page & Illustration

Politics, the news, and social media have exacerbated a growing issue in society in which myself and others are being ostracized for who we are and what we think. We are unable to voice our opinion out of fear of reaction. We stay silent. As a consequence we feel depressed, ignored, and shunned away while the noise polution of sameness and agreeable sounds resonate around us. This form of groupthink has completelty isolated the individual voice and expression, muting the volume and cranking up their own. Our voices need to be heard too — and louder. If not through words, then through visuals. The Sicilian people have a rich history of contradicting those in power, the elites, and anyone who tries to conform them. Our silence will be loud. To resonate this loud silence, I tell my story — of struggle to triumph— through trapunto, a quilting technique mastered by my Sicilian ancestors. Those like myself who have struggled through this ordeal have been so disconnected with the world that we feel left out; thus, I embrace my Sicilian culture and heritage as a means of encouraging others to feel a sense of belonging as well. To ensure that we rebuild our confidence, I implement loud, repellent structures into the collection as a means of inciting fear and to steer everyone away from our path. Black, the colour of power, is the dominant colour used to further the cause. The silhouette is developed to be more fitted, like a well-tailored Italian suit, to create the perception that the wearer is taller and bigger than they actually are. We may not be able to speak through words, but we will communicate through loud silence. �

Composed of primary

Mood Board

Composed of primary sources taken by me and secondary sources. Secondary sources credited in final image below.

Secondary sources cr

Trapunto Design Development

Secondary sources credited in final image below.




Fashion Design/LaSalle College | Montréal/Look 1, Technicals, & Detail Descriptions

Look 1, Technicals, & Detail Descriptions

Fashion Design/LaSalle College | Montréal/Look 2, Technicals, & Detail Descriptions

Look 2, Technicals, & Detail Descriptions

Fashion Design/LaSalle College | Montréal/Look 3, Technicals, & Detail Descriptions

Look 3, Technicals, & Detail Descriptions

All secondary source


All secondary source credits provided in image

*All sources display
Fashion Design/LaSalle College | Montréal/Project Description, Illustration, & Fabrics
Credits in image
Credits in image
Fashion Design/LaSalle College | Montréal/Title Page
* Fabric source in f
Fashion Design/LaSalle College | Montréal/HARNESS Mock-ups & Brand Description
3-look lineup
Fashion Design/LaSalle College | Montréal/Title & Subject 1
Fashion Design/LaSalle College | Montréal/Subjects 2 & 3
*Model credits in im
Fashion Design/LaSalle College | Montréal/Subjects 5-8
Politics, the news,
Composed of primary
Secondary sources cr
Fashion Design/LaSalle College | Montréal/Look 1, Technicals, & Detail Descriptions
Fashion Design/LaSalle College | Montréal/Look 2, Technicals, & Detail Descriptions
Fashion Design/LaSalle College | Montréal/Look 3, Technicals, & Detail Descriptions
All secondary source