Using a custom engine I built named MAGE which is an acronym for Machine Automated Game Engine. I created a project that allows for dynamic loading of a model with the help of ImGUI and playing animation of the model. The model itself can play the animation that is attached to it and using the ImGUI interface the user can loop the animation and rewind it. The interface can also toggle a skeleton view which shows all the bones and joints which allow the model to move. In addition, depending on the animation set that comes with the model the user can control the model allowing movement using the arrow keys and actions such as punch and kick via x and k.
Before being able load in the model, we need to have certain types of files that allow for rendering of the model and animation. My model importer tool extracts all the necessary data from the .fbx file such as the material data, skeleton data, animation set, model and also the models respective diffuse, normal, specular maps if any into a specified folder. Once done the user can load in a .model file and the project will then automatically look for the other related files that will be used for skeleton display and animation within that folder.