In this game project made in Unity engine I created a basic platformer with simple controls of jump and moving. I implemented twitch networking within this project allowing the user to connect to a twitch channel. Based on the commands inputted in Twitch chat it will affect the character within the game. Such commands are making the player jump with "jump", moving various platforms in the game by sending "up" or "down". Increasing the players speed, healing the character and spawning in enemy's. How the connection is established is using a TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) Client that establishes a connection to the twitch server by creating an anonymous connection which is dealt through an IRC and internet relay chat. Now it can receive any messages sent from the specified channel, however there is a restriction that stops the amount of commands we are able to receive within a given time. This is accomplished by locking the queue of commands until enough time has passed let's say for 1 second then it unlocks the queue allowing for the next command to be added and displayed. This helps limit the overload of chat spam to the player.