The key engine is a custom engine built using C++ and DirectX11 developed over multiple courses at LaSalle. Through this, I learned to implement different features including shaders, animations, physics, and component systems.
Starfield is a project that I created to showcase different shader techniques. First, the background of this project is made by the starfield post-processing effect, I did some research and experimentation and came up with my implementation. The approach is to define a function that prints a star pattern, then divide the screen into different regions based on the desired size, then populate each area giving a random size and position. The user can adjust different properties of the effect including the speed, color, and light brightness of the star, also how much the star rotates, and how many layers of stars. Then I used the various effects including normal mapping, specular mapping, and displacement mapping on a plain sphere mesh for adding the eight planets. I added rotation and revolution to them according to the real data, and now they look like the real universe. I also implemented the bloom effect on the sun with a Gaussian blur filter which applies both horizontal and vertical blur with adjustable iterations, and saturation to control the brightness.