Advertising Final Project - YSA Studios

Advertising Class Spring 22 Project by Jeane Muliani, Dewi Naomi, and Stevanie Djulifen ADVERTISING CLASS Spring 22 LASALLE COLLEGE JAKARTA, Lecture. Dino Augusto SE., MA. Products : YSA Studios @ysa.studios Producer & Stylist : Jeane Muliani @jeanemuliani, Dewi Naomi @dewi.nmt, and Stevanie Djulifen @stevaniedjulifen Director : Aaron Pratama @pratamaaronn Art Director : Reswara Rasendriya @rasendriyaaaaa Talent : Effy Hargreaves @effyhargreaves Videographer : Muhammad Bobby @mbobby_ Make-Up Artist : Dewi Naomi Hair-do : Jeane Muliani Supporting Parts : Shani Putra @shaneeyputra

YSA Studios - "What Goes Around Comes Around"

What goes around, comes around. Such a simple saying with deep interpretation. Living in the fast moving era has formed ignorance and greeds to the young generation. The consumptive behavior of fast fashion keeps on increasing overtime, hand-in-hand with the negative impact towards Mother Earth. Little did we know, the fate of this planet lies in our hands. Choice on you; to give back, or to neglect. Witness the journey in unveiling the literal meaning of #WhatGoesAroundComesAround Advertising Class Spring 22 Project by Jeane Muliani, Dewi Naomi, and Stevanie Djulifen ADVERTISING CLASS Spring 22 LASALLE COLLEGE JAKARTA, Lecture. Dino Augusto SE., MA. Products : YSA Studios @ysa.studios Producer & Stylist : Jeane Muliani @jeanemuliani, Dewi Naomi @dewi.nmt, and Stevanie Djulifen @stevaniedjulifen Director : Aaron Pratama @pratamaaronn Art Director : Reswara Rasendriya @rasendriyaaaaa Talent : Effy Hargreaves @effyhargreaves Videographer : Muhammad Bobby @mbobby_ Make-Up Artist : Dewi Naomi Hair-do : Jeane Muliani Supporting Parts : Shani Putra @shaneeyputra

Fashion Marketing/LaSalle College | Jakarta/What Goes Around Comes Around

What Goes Around Comes Around

Fashion Marketing/LaSalle College | Jakarta/What Goes Around Comes Around