Vishv is a custom made Game Engine from scratch using C++ and DirectX 11. I chose C++ as it is a very performant language that allowed me to fine-tune code to the hardware level and in the gaming industry, raw performance is what is needed so I have prepared my self accordingly. Basic framework The engine is set on mainly 2 libraries, 1st is a framework that has all the important libraries such as Core, Maths, Graphics & AI. The second one is Engine library a.k.a Vishv which binds all the base library together and implements basic a framework and UI for any project to work. Core library at the base which consists of all the basic things such as Metasystem and Debugging tools like asserts and logs. Math library contains all the important structures need for calculations used by engine and apps, like vectors, matrices & quaternions. Graphics library supports most of the things a game engine needs such as support to make basic primitives, debug draw, model import, animation, rendering, and post-processing Artificial Intelligence (AI) library was made with reusability in mind thus all the things such as pathfinding, state machines, steering behaviors, and perception are templatized to support any form of agent an app might use. Engine Library Vishv is the one that sits on top of all the libraries, this layer also utilizes Metasystem to data drive an application using a component architecture.