Business Portfolio

Final Project - Business Portfolio For the inspiration of my portfolio, It came from the personal identity project where we were being assigned to create our own logo and branding for our business card and head letters. Here you can see the design of my business card. My business card has a very bold and clashing colour combination which’s showing my brave side as I’m aiming to show that I am brave enough to experiment even though not in term of my personal style. The color scheme was inspired by one of my favorite K-pop idols, Nakamoto Yuta from NCT 127, who wore a purple blazer and a green turtleneck throughout the Sticker promotion era. These colors also remind me of my favorite and least favorite color, green, which I adore yet despise, and purple, which I despise. This color combination reminds me of how I despise people's first impressions of me since they are almost always negative, but as they get to know me better, those perceptions change. Also, I really like the logo on my business card since it's cute and reminds me of Rilakkuma from San-x, one of my favorite Japanese fictional characters. For the concept of my portfolio packaging, I was inspired to design it in the shape of a storage box that k-pop fans use to store their k-pop idol photo cards as I am a big fan of k-pop and I have a collection of k-pop photo cards so I think it would be an unique and memorable way to start my portfolio. The shape of the storage box is actually similar to the shape of a cigarette box. For the portfolio book, the colour of the cover is also inspired from my business card. To add more cuteness in to my portfolio, I also designed stickers that I will use to decorate my portfolio. The size of my portfolio is A5 which’s 14.8 cm x 21 cm. I decided to use A5 format as I want my portfolio to be portable and space-saving. For the font, I used Basel Classic. For the material of my packaging, I decided to use hard cover material and for the paper, I used book paper.