This project was developed using the framework MonoGame. MonoGame is a c# framework. It is a 2D game where you have to battle monsters turn by turn using strategy. This game was a project for one of our class at College LaSalle in first year. / \ The game has: -Enemy artificial intelligence (to fight the player) -Combat mechanics for the player (move, attack) -Full initiative system (the higher level plays first) -Full login system with the Newton JSON framework (register your account, save your account, login to your account, save your progress) -Full 2D tile system for player and monsters movement -Chat box to talk with other players also as combat logs (logs your attacks, movements, etc.) -Implementations of shortcuts (ctrl+e to end your turn, etc.) -Game has been coded with proper OOP development / \ Pictures and gameplay video: /
The main combat interface where you can play and fight again monsters
Christel Paquette (for the sprites)
Samuel Paquette (me)
Adrien Jeanson (my project teammate)