Brand printed and video advertisement for MUTU-MUTU

Mutu mutu is a local Indonesian Upcycling brand creating bags and it’s accessories. Their name derives from their motto which is “making it #berMUTUlagi”. Bermutu itself means high quality, so their motto is making it high quality again. They focus on deadstock fabrics and creates them into something that is high quality again with eye catching designs and useful products for their customers

video advertisement for MUTU-MUTU

through this video, we want to share a message of how many fabrics are being thrown away from the creation of fashion products. And here mutu-mutu as a fashion brand that realised about the environmental concern and take part in decreasing fashion waste with their products.

printed advertisement for MUTU-MUTU

for the printed ads project we used things that we no longer used such as clothes, straws and headband to represents the idea of ‘’someone’s trash is somebody else’s treasure’’ just like mutu-mutu’s brand concept.

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