Community Design Project

The creative process of my project is long and interesting. At the beginning of the project, I was confused about what to do and what will be my idea. Then, after the practices of one-point view, two points view, and window view, I suddenly have an idea which will be a mixture of my illustration and glass. After deciding what kinds of community artwork, I started painting at home. One of my paintings is about pink clouds, stars, and moon which influenced me. After these influences and inspirations, I started to sketch my idea: a combination of nature and the human world. I start thinking about contrast and compare, so I have decided to make sea creatures fly in the sky with the moon and stars. Furthermore, I used an app called Procreate to draw the illustration of this project, I used a lot of cool effects brushes for the design. I was attracted to a style of noisy points and to create the texture of the whale. Also, the cloud I drew is also different from realistic clouds but it’s similar. I used an obvious purple color gradient to help make the cloud fancier, and the shape of the cloud is irregular to make sure it’s not too fake. For the stars, I used three kinds of brushes to create the shining texture which is very satisfying for me. After finishing the illustration, I used Adobe Illustrator to create the view of it which will be half-transparent which will be the mixing part with the city and complete the artwork. Overall, this project is refreshing and interesting to me, it helped me to explore my techniques and my ideas.

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