

Dans le cadre de notre cour de tendance, nous devions d'abord, créer un éditorial mode. Dût au Covid, nous avons dût retourné le tout et créer un éditorial à partir de la maison. For our trend forecasting class we had to create a fashion editorial. Since the pandemic arrived we had to create an editorial from home. PROJET COMPLET :

Fashion Marketing/LaSalle College | Montréal/gecnfw723pq7k6difu2oar15ki9fq4yl
Fashion Marketing/LaSalle College | Montréal/dxi4x9nx0vscapl7f4fystd8zsfwi0i3
Fashion Marketing/LaSalle College | Montréal/c7p6j8b76xxvzv5si10y4zxipa9wf2k9
Fashion Marketing/LaSalle College | Montréal/4xuk1d6esplne6tsmy8qq2ai12owhkln
Fashion Marketing/LaSalle College | Montréal/mv3yg0430i9ohnhptuwqrsjh3717zi0q
Fashion Marketing/LaSalle College | Montréal/gecnfw723pq7k6difu2oar15ki9fq4yl
Fashion Marketing/LaSalle College | Montréal/dxi4x9nx0vscapl7f4fystd8zsfwi0i3
Fashion Marketing/LaSalle College | Montréal/c7p6j8b76xxvzv5si10y4zxipa9wf2k9
Fashion Marketing/LaSalle College | Montréal/4xuk1d6esplne6tsmy8qq2ai12owhkln
Fashion Marketing/LaSalle College | Montréal/mv3yg0430i9ohnhptuwqrsjh3717zi0q