Attached, is the first side of my business card I designed this past October. I feel that this card describes me in every way possible because it has a professional look and also includes my signature, which I, obviously, use everywhere.
Attached, is the first side of my business card I designed this past October. I feel that this card describes me in every way possible because it has a professional look and also includes my signature, which I, obviously, use everywhere.
This is a book I created during my senior year of high school as my IB Final Project. This book explored the evolution of women's fashion during the 20th century and it took close to 8 months of work and research to put this book together.
Every September, my school puts together a fundraising run to help raise funds for Ste-Justine's Children's Hospital in Montreal. The money raised directly helps the hospital buy new technologies to offer better services to the children. Above, is a picture of fellow runners and myself along side the Ste-Justine mascot, after the 2014 run.
This is a ticket I designed last year (March 2014), along with my team, to promote the Senior Year Fashion Show held at my high school annually. I was part of the Organizational Committee which put they entire event together.
Back of business card