Classical French Cuisine is luxurious to those who would love to savour the flavours of French dishes. They can be found in fancy restaurants in Paris. Plate ware, presentation and garnishes are what make French cuisine very special to people. They make people feel welcome and happy to be a part of the French heritage in cuisine.
Bacon Vinaigrette, Creme Anglaise and Sauce Choron
Bisque Crevettes and Consomme Royale
Oeufs en Cocotte "Florentine", Green Bean Bundles, and Savoyard Potato
Chicken Cordon Bleu and Coq au Vin
Paupiettes de Sole a la Mousse de Saumon and Fillet de Truite Poelee aux Amandes
Carre de Porc Roti Au Jus Lie and Piece D’Agneau
Beef Bourguignon and Tartare de Filet de Boeuf
Ris de Veau Braises and Cuisses de Grenouilles a la Provancale
Blueberry, Blackberry, Peach Flambé and Apple Tarte Tatin
Coq au Vin, Oeufs en Cocotte "Florentine", and Apple Tarte Tatin