C++, C, C# for Unity, Visual Studio, Source Tree, Azure DevOps, GitHub, Memory Management, Gameplay Systems, Tools, AI Systems, Networking, Graphics, 3D Mathematics, Calculus, Object-Oriented Programming, Maya
Nest Adventures —— Fall 2020 (Unity 3D, C#)
GamePlay and Animation Programmer
• Joined the dev team during post-production to help fix and improve the game.
• Implemented player and enemy combat animations.
• Implemented health bar, and melee combat particle effect.
Bending Four Video Player —— Fall 2020 (Qt, C++)
• Implemented fundamental features of the video player.
• Added support for changing background image and language settings.
• Added support for loading subtitles.
Above Ground —— Fall 2019 - Summer 2020 (Unity 3D, C#, PC, Console)
GamePlay and Animation Programmer
• Responsible for all animations in game.
• Implemented player locomotion and skill animations.
• Implemented player and enemy combat animations.
• Implemented environment interaction.
• Developed UI including main menu, level select, game settings, in-game menu.
• Constructed a generic event trigger system for tutorial popups.
Bending Four Engine Demo —— (Visual Studio, Direct3D11, C++)
• Built custom game engine using C++ and Direct3D 11
• Implemented shadow mapping, processing, shader, lighting, texturing and rendering.
Path Finding Demo —— (Visual Studio, C++)
• Implemented Pathfinding with Astar, Dijkstra, BFS and DFS.
Scrolling Shooter Game Demo —— Summer 2019 (C++)
Designer and Programmer
• Designed the mechanic for scrolling shooter game.
• Implemented render system of player, enemy and bullet
• Defined bullet shooting logic
Third Person Shooting 3D Game —— Fall 2018 (Unity 3D, C#)
Designer and Programmer
• Designed the first-person shooting game level.
• Constructed the environment of the map.
• Implemented bullet generation.
Escape Mountain —— Spring 2018 (Unreal Engine 4, Blueprint)
• Designed a third-person puzzle game tutorial level.
• -Implemented event triggers system for interaction by moving platform, triggers and game win condition.
LaSalle College Vancouver, Vancouver, B.C.
Bachelor Degree of Science in Game Programming