Marina Prus

Marina Prus

Fashion Marketing

LaSalle College Vancouver


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Business & Innovation, Fashion Marketing, Film & Audio, Languages, Marketing, Advertising and E-Business, Photography, Social Sciences


Hi there. My name is Marina. My primary career interests are in marketing research and consumer behaviour. I enjoy studying other people’s opinions in order to understand what product would work for them and which approach would be the best to target those groups of consumers; I am also willing to understand how people think and why how trends influence our behaviour. My other interests include photography, video editing, business studies and languages. I am eager to master my English, Russian and German. I also support healthy lifestyle and enjoy studying women’s sciences. My dream is to write a book about the future of our wonderful planet.

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Guns & Roses

by Marina Prus
Fashion Marketing
LaSalle College Vancouver
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Safe Purity

by Marina Prus
Fashion Marketing
LaSalle College Vancouver
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Absolut Fantasy

by Marina Prus
Fashion Marketing
LaSalle College Vancouver
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Bon Voyage, Mon Poétesse!

by Marina Prus
Fashion Marketing
LaSalle College Vancouver
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A new product for United Colours of Benetton

by Marina Prus
Fashion Marketing
LaSalle College Vancouver
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